Keynotes at the E20 Conf Boston

Keynote – JP Rangaswami, CIO and Chief Scientist, BT

Learning from the changes that happened in the last 6 yrs

  • First change: we moved from hierarchies of products and customers, to networks of relationships and capabilities. From silos to networks to understand the move from stocks from flows (J.Hagel and J.Brown)
  • Second change: People who managed this change are changed as well with a new role for millenials. New generation push the org to offer different services
  • Third change: tools are changed with location based services, mobility
  • Fourth change: Growth and advent of social networking

Starting from the changes in the last 6yr, let’s talk about the challenges for next seven yrs:

  • Loss of control about data and device. The enterprise should learn to be designed for losing control. It happened for telcos and it is now happening with IT accelerated by the new generation and new devices. Not only decides, we also lost control of the data. The act to create control of something is abundant is going to produce a force that resource even more abundant. Connecting information to the net means you cannot control it. In the ocean of data you have to ask yourself about the time you need to protect your data
  • Loss control on the boundary of the enterprise. We are investing both in technology to leave people out and bring people in
  • Loss control of individual expertise and how it helps collective expertise. Are these tools making individual dumb and making corporation dumb. Are we supporting people in decision making with tools that push being superficial. Are we shifting from the individual to the collective? If that’s true, as we implement tools to serve enterprises in the future, we need to understand thad expertise sharing will be the norm in corporations

Keynote – The Human Network @ Work – Cisco

  • The Human network using social network to bring people inside, enabling a dynamic organization powered by people, constantly evolving and enterprise wide, even spanning across the organization boundary
  • They are demoing Cisco Quad with communities, calendar widgets, activity streams (also in the bottom), notifications, webex integration, presence, microblogging (integrated to twitter), chat, phone and voice mail integration, profiles with people activities, reporting chains, search on expertise, communities and filters, integrated with external search engines. Every community has videos, shared calendars, announcements, activities, members. Videos are automatically transcribed to be searchable and browsable!
  • Cool but doing a keynote through a demo.. is this 2.0?

Keynote – Enterprise 2.0 – Are CIOs Ready to Bite?

  • Panel moderated by Alex Wolfe with JP Rangaswami (BT), Murali Sitaram (Cisco), Ted Schadler (Forrester with new book Empowered coming out)
  • How do you quantify business benefits: IT are simply caring about TCO and minimizing that (Forrester), It’s how to increase productivity (Cisco), It’s not about ROI but simply something that you need for the business and even if you still want to try evaluating an ROI you have to be very specific on the business scenario. People are creating new value in ways you couldn’t imagine before
  • It took ibm 40 yrs to become evil; microsoft 20; google 10; facebook 5; twitter 2.5  Platforms and applications need to be open to avoid personal and corporate silos
  • Will video and video conference take off? Yes video not only for real time communication but also in a collaborative experience (Cisco), That’s the way millenials are consuming information (Forrester), Video is not always the preferred channel for people. People will change the right modality and channel in context (BT)
  • Are millenials accelerating the adoption? They are already doing. Tendency is using the web to share information (BT)
  • Are these tools going to be integrated to business processes? They must be integrated with loosely coupled processes that can be changed and evolved (Cisco), hard processes have exceptions that you still have to integrate (Forrester), social networks are augmenting not substituting formal and real life exchanges (BT)
  • 3 takeaways. Listening and talking to employees, do the math about business value, some layers are platform layers (Forrester). A platform is critical, we want to be viral other than integrating with processes (Cisco)

Keynote – The C-Level Perspective: Social Collaboration Fueling Innovation, Business Results and Competitive Advantage – CSC

  • Csc was doing well but the recommendation from Bain suggested to create a corporate office for Innovation. They wanted to launch systematic, results driven innovation
  • Very difficult to get any focus on innovation. Innovation have to be a balance between creativity and discipline to leverage on intellectual capital. Focusing on business problems they found
  • 4 most important themes for the innovation agenda: leadership, process, governance, enablement
  • Very good management minimize risk and focus on objectives. This kills innovation. You need to allow creativity
  • The innovation metaphor: not focus on individual employee to make them more innovative but to get out the way and enable the conditions for people to free their creativity
  • Look at innovation not as a point problem but as a system problem matching difference agendas for executives, employees, analysts
  • From Nonaka & Takeuchi (tacit/explicit knowledge): we need to socialize, externalize, internalize, combine intellectual capital. Manage is out of question. Facilitation is the central topic
  • Other than best practices CSC wanted to anticipate next practices. Characteristic of a practice are the uniqueness and applicability: exciting bad theory, boring bad practices, best practices (things are implemented well and frequently already), next practices are able to see the future and apply it
  • Where do we get the ideas? Top down or bottom up? Today consumerization is becoming a bottom-up process
  • Identified 6 areas of ditigal disruptions: new media, new reality, social power, information transparency, smarter world, platform makeover, new waves
  • Let’s focus on the social power and social networking inside the enterprise
  • What employees are saying: is CSC an innovative company? it is getting better. Innovation started to get traction from 2006-2009
  • Collaboration Journey started from KM and brought by C3: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate through Jive
  • What’s the business benefits: no ROI but transforming the organization to be more innovative: collapsing time and distance, onboarding, reducing cycle time, greater ease of location expertise. It took up in the entire company
  • What’s next: video, office integration, mobility, market engagement, client/partner communication
  • Claire Flanagan just get promoted as Director KM/Social Strategy for running the project

Keynote – Collaboration Within Context – Franz Aman (SAP)

  • How to connect people and processes is a huge opportunity
  • We are seeing the importance of information overload, context, process
  • Demo of SAP StreamWork to make collaborative decision: creation of a new activity, inviting people, collaborate in the environment to understand how to spend marketing dollars, presence, you can structure collaboration adding tools that help you organize yourself like consensus tool to collect feedbacks, sales data from the enterprise (i.e BI), ranking table (to prioritize markets)
  • Not typical collaboration, but a way to taking better decision together to reach results while recording the decision and creating corporate memory
  • Decisions are some of the least digitized asset in the organization even if we are taking hundreds of decision daily
  • Expectations is to use applications now, without training, having fun and now we have many new technologies
  • Elements (another demo): search with text analysis capabilities that extracts sentiment and the meaning of content. Results include documents and people
  • People want to work naturally, in the context, in their way and make confident decision
  • Yet another demo as a keynote

Keynote – The State of Enterprise 2.0

  • Andrew McAfee on the stage
  • Wanted to start from screenshots about vendors announcements. Too many of them. Gartner, PwC, The Economist, McKinsey show E20 is taking up and heating
  • 4 tensions going on about E2.0:
    • Goal: Cargo Cult or infrastructure? Enterprise 2.0 not as a separate island but integrated to a new infrastructure but it takes time
    • Target: Inner or Outer rings? Looking at the Bull’s Eye outer rings are incredibly valuable if you are not focusing only on being productive but also on innovation. Older technology addressing only the inner rings
    • Direction: Hippo or Superorganism? Does E20 come top-down (heavy guy) or bottom-up (ant colony)? A super organism shows emergent complex structure through very simple interactions
    • Assumption: Stability or Flux? In which environment are we working on? We are moving towards the organic side. From the assembly line to people working in a dynamic, reactive, quick, autonomous way but none of the extremes are working so we need to address this tradeoff

Keynote – Innovation Through Enterprise 2.0 – IDEO

  • Talking about design thinking
  • How relevant is technology to innovation? What else do you need to transform your organization?
  • Three principles for driving innovation through technology:
    • Empower people not ideas. Ideas are cheap. You don’t need a process to innovate, you need people to innovate. It cannot be managed, it’s messy. Humans are able to see the future and take advantage of ideas. How to empower people to support innovation
    • Create platforms for coalescence. Magic happens when people share visions and work together. Walls are spaces for collaboration. You can use networks, platforms. They have social network with blogs, wikis, spaces organized on groups to share best practices and collaborate (nGenera)
    • Facilitate and reward participation: inverse relation between adoption and friction. Leave out any resistance, barrier, misalignment. Make it damn simple, put all the information together. 97% adoption rate in a few months
  • Discussion with McAfee: to enable collaboration the organization have to be supportive and aligned. Easy to use tools that can compete with the web and right culture. Tools are acting as catalysts, as accelerators. Is E20 for everyone? Yes, most organization are waiting to show what they are able to do.

Emanuele Quintarelli

Entrepreneur and Org Emergineer at Cocoon Projects | Associate Partner at Peoplerise | LSP and Holacracy Facilitator

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